1.Fellowship, communion and intimacy with God.

Prayer is the means of communication with God. It is a means God has chosen for us to commune with Him.

Genesis 3:8 tells us that God came calling on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He came to them in the cool of the day and talked with them.

This meeting doesn’t seem like a one time event, but it seems like a normal and regular meeting. One can also infer from this story that God and man’s meeting together was primarily about fellowship, communion and Intimacy.

In Genesis 18:17, God said, “would l hide from Abraham what l am about to do?” Then we were given the details of God and Abraham’s dialogue.

These two conversations ,(Adam, Eve and God, and that of Abraham and God) were initiated by God Himself. God was the One who came calling. God wants to and loves to have fellowship with man.

“What is man that you are mindful of him.”(Psalm 8:4 ).

Prayer builds friendship and intimacy with God. God wants to meet with us at the place, time and point of prayer. He wants us to meet with Him, to fellowship and commune with Him. Prayer is the means God has chosen to commune and fellowship with man.

Spending time with our heavenly Father in a honest, heart to heart fellowship, bringing and discussing all out concerns and thoughts with Him, asking Him about things that bother us, worshipping, adoring and loving Him, to simply be with Him, and spend time with Him is a very crucial aspect of prayer.

As Christians the possibility of getting discouraged to pray faces us many times, for several reasons – grief, pain, delay to answers in prayer, trials of life etc. If at such times we can remember that the heart and purpose of prayer is for fellowship, communion and intimacy with our heavenly Father, that out Father tenderly awaits us in prayer, we would be encouraged whenever we feel discouraged to pray.

At such low times of motivation to pray we know we can enter into His presence in total self-abandonment, casting ourselves into His mighty arms – relinquishing all our inner struggles, emotions and pain into His hands, and to just simply be with Him. Even if we lack adequate words to express our needs, feelings or thoughts, even if it’s only tears, groans or sighs we bring before Him. Our Heavenly Father understands, He knows. We just want to be with God. And He desires and beckons us to come be with Him.

2.God loves responding to our prayers

The Bible teaches us to make our request known to God. God wants us to come to Him in prayer and ask for our needs to be met. Petitions, supplications, intercessions are all about asking of God.

God loves to respond to the prayers of His children. He will not tell us to ask in prayer if He doesn’t want to answer our petitions. He is willing and ready to give more than we are even ready to receive. He tells us,

“Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24).

We, however, need to know when He is telling us to wait or to let go, or to persevere in prayer.

Two things are required of us when we come before our Father’s throne in prayer: faith in God and a pure (holy) heart ( Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 12:14, Psalm 66:18, Matt. 5:8).

We pray to God believing and knowing that He hears us and therefore will answer our petitions in accordance with His perfect and good will for us.

” This is the confidence we have in approaching God, that If we ask anything according to His will He hears us.” (1John5:14,).

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