There was a certain rich man whose business flourished, but he had no inner peace. He had an aching void and was so restless within. His fat bank account, success, fame and position could not give him the inner peace his soul longs for.
While walking through his large factory one day, he found one of his casual labourers whistling happily as he went about his duties. The rich man went back to his office pondering over the matter. He tried to go back to his business, but could not find peace. After a while, he said, ‘’I will go and see what that labourer is doing.’’ He went and found the labourer still whistling cheerfully. Puzzled, he called the labourer to ask: “ tell me, what makes you so happy and cheerful always?’’ The labourer replied, “I used to be so restless and miserable until I found Jesus. I surrendered my life to Him. I let go and let Him have His way. He saved and delivered me. Ever since I have an inexplainable peace and joy flowing from within me.”
The rich man also determined to seek Jesus and he found Him. Sitting down later behind his desk, he shouted, Oh, Halleluyah, I have found Him and He laid His hands on me.” Ever since, this rich man began to enjoy the eternal blessings designed for him and his family. His life was filled with the joy and inner peace which only Christ alone could give.
Dear friend, having all of the world without Christ is like being a white washed tomb. Jesus wants to fill us all with His glory until our whole life is aflame with His fullness.
“Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near” (Isa. 55:6).
Behold, now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation(2 Cor. 6:2).
Call upon the name of the Lord, now, for the salvation of your soul.