When the people on earth corrupted their ways, when God’s covenant have been rejected, His prophets put to death, when godly men are getting fewer, when judgement is turned away backward and justice stands in the distance, truth having stumbled in the streets, disallowing equity and honesty from entering. In times like these when the godly are been swept from the land and men lie in wait to shed innocent blood, hunting their brothers; when there are political unrest, social disorder, religious disturbances and economic melt down…
2 Tim. 3:1 – 6 sums it all up: “You should know this … that in the last days there will be very difficult times … people will love themselves … money … be boastful … proud …scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents …ungrateful … consider nothing sacred … unloving … slander others … no self control … be cruel … no interest in what is good … betray friends … reckless … love pleasure more than God … act as if they are religious … reject the power that could make them godly … work their ways into people’s homes …(NLT).
These are the days of mounting pressures, wavering faiths, love of many waxing cold, compromises, provocations, reproaches and questionings,” why?” Days when people want comfort, help and counsel.
In times like these you need an anchor and an anchor man.
An anchor is something that helps to give stability or security. An anchor man is one who coordinates the work of a group of persons. You need someone to keep you stable, someone who understands the times and seasons, who Himself is unperturbed, to coordinate your life and keep you from seeking in the raging storm. That person is Jesus Christ. More than two thousand years ago He lived and walked on earth, He predicted these times we live in, He said, “ perilous times shall come … men’s heart shall faill them…. He also said that He’s coming back again to judge the earth and renew all things. Friend, He alone knows these times and season we live in. Make Him your anchor and anchor man. Let Him walk with you through these troublous times, allow Him to be your guide and guard. He alone knows the way. “That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the son of God. Let us cling to Him and never stop trussing Him” (Hebs 4:14)NLT
Let me share with you a few secrets to ensure that your anchor holds.
*In times like these. pressures will mount on you, your emotions are bound to want to get the better of you – be very careful where you go to for help , counsel and comfort.
*Look unto God only and continually and not unto man, because God can’t fail. “Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promises” (Heb. 10 :23) NLT,
*In times like these the tendency is to be sad and fearful. Sadness will stagnate you, blurring you from thinking progressively and fear will rob you of all that faith is ready to give. Rather than do this, encourage yourself in the Lord, by waiting upon him, telling Him your fears and worries, meditating upon His Word and promises, confessing and holding unto them,
*Believe that you will not remain down forever. Though you may falter and stumble the Lord will lift you up.
*Refuse to compromise your faith, godly principles and God’s standard of righteousness.
What will happen when you continually make Jesus your anchor and anchor man? According to Isaiah 60 :17,
God will spring up surprises up for you.
He will exceed your limits and expectations.
He will give you quality things.
He will turn your adversities to advancement.
Underneath you will be God’s everlasting arms (Deut. 33:27)).
This article was first featured in the Path of Life magazine Vol. 4, in 2011