Have you at any point in time given a deep thought about heaven? When last did you ponder on or try to imagine how it looks like? Is this present life all you think about? Then, hear the scriptures, “If we who are (abiding) in Christ have hope only in this life and that is all, then we are of all people most miserable and to be pitied” (1 Cor. 15:19 AMP).

May we be reminded that we are pilgrims and sojourners here on earth (1 Pet. 2:11; Ps. 119:19). Else, Jesus would not have said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . I go to prepare a place for you . . . that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:2 – 3)

Often times we have cause to leave our homes for some hours, either to go to our work place, market, store, visit someone or some other place. While there, we think of going back to our homes to meet with our loved ones and of course at the close of day, we do go back home. When we travel either outside our home country or state, we remember where we came from and have it in mind of returning someday.

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God’s right hand in the place of honour and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth.” (Col. 3:1 – 2 NLT). Little wonder someone said, “My home on earth is good. My home on earth is beautiful. My home on earth is great. But my heavenly home is far better than my earthly home.”

What then does heaven look like?

Heaven is God’s dwelling place (Acts 7:49). It is a literal place of abode and is as real as Lagos, London or Jamaica. Jesus Christ, who came from heaven and also returned there, in teaching us on how to pray said, “Our Father who is in heaven . . .” (Luke 11:2). Someday our heavenly Father expects us back home, when we must have fulfilled our destinies and purposes in life (Ps. 91:16; 1 Kings 3:14; Job 5:26).

Heaven – the place of perfection.

The builder of heaven is God (Gen. 14:19; 2 Cor. 5:1; Heb. 11:10). Heaven is a beautiful place. Its streets are made of gold and adorned with precious stones. There are no nights there, therefore, no need of the sun or moon, it radiates with God’s glory (Rev. 22:5). It’s a place of peace, comfort and everlasting joy. It is a holy place, not tinted with evil or sin, where no one will ever grow old or die and never say goodbye to loved ones. Fear, sorrow and pain are unknown there.

Heaven has a register.

There is a register which contains the names of the saints in heaven (Rev. 3:5; 20:12; 21:27; Heb. 12:23; Phil. 4:3; Ps. 69:28; Ex. 32:33). Jesus told His disciples, “… rejoice because your names are registered as citizens of heaven.” (Luke 10:20 NLT). Is it not a thing of joy to want to stand before the God of glory, in the general assembly and church of the first born, as a member of the commonwealth of Israel and have one’s name being called from that register with the commendation from the Author and Finisher of our faith, saying, “. . . enter into and share of the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys . . . Come you blessed of My Father (you favoured of God and appointed to eternal salvation), inherit (receive as your own) the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Mt. 25:21, 34 AMP).

Those who live there.

Heaven as already mentioned is God’s home. It is also the home of God’s holy angels. Gabriel and Michael, the only two angels mentioned by name in the bible, as well as other numerous angels live there. Heaven is also the home of the righteous dead; all the saints of old till our present time live there. In heaven, all those who have been redeemed from all nations, kindred, peoples and tongues shall assemble there in the general assembly of the saints (Rev. 7:9; Heb. 12:23; Ps. 89:7). In heaven one will have the opportunity to talk with Methuselah, Abraham, Enoch and Samuel; laugh with Sarah; praise and worship God in songs and Psalms with David; meet with Elijah and Elisha; ask Paul questions as to many of his ‘hard to understand’ statements; take a walk with Peter and other great men and women who are the redeemed of the Lord.

Interestingly, it will be most exciting and thrilling to be close to Him who suffered, was crucified, resurrected and ascended; Him who left His glory for our sakes; whom God exalted and gave a name above every other name (Phil. 2:6, 9). He whom the sting of death could not hold bound and the grave rejected, thereby overcoming the world for us. For there, in heaven, we shall see Him as He is. He who died that we may live and have eternal life – Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Above all, God said no one sees His face and live but there, one will have the opportunity of seeing Him and never die. I set my face to see that Face.

Those who may go in.

Suffice it to say that not everyone that call Jesus “Lord, Lord” or who professes to be God’s children shall be allowed in. Much as the God of all flesh, who made man in His own image, desires that everyone be there, yet He gave us some conditions to meet before entering in (Rev. 21:27). Firstly, one must be born anew of God. This is to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and have one’s sins forgiven (John 3:16 – 18, 36; 14:6; 1:12). It is equally important that we walk in the newness of life given to us; obediently doing the Father’s will; walk and live in accordance to His word (Rev. 22:14; Mt. 7:21; Luke 8:21; Deut. 26:16).

God says: “Be you holy for I am holy. Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. And blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Holy living is a condition that cannot be compromised. An unholy person on earth till death wanting to live eternally with a holy God is incomprehensible (Eph. 1:4; Heb. 12:14). No sinner shall be allowed in. we are only assured of heaven when we live according to the dictates and commandments of God.

Heaven has a road map.

Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. The Bible is the road map to heaven. Study and apply it to your whole life and everyday living, let it be your absolute rule and guide in life.  God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17). Hence, God expects everyone to follow after righteousness (2 Tim. 2:22; 1 Tim. 6:11 – 12). Having the fruit of the Spirit is a crucial condition for entering heaven (Gal. 5:22 – 23). The fruit of the Spirit is God’s nature. The gifts of the Holy Spirit which are only to help us do exploits in the ministry will not qualify us to enter, but the fruit will. The names of those who meet these conditions will not be blotted out of the Book of Life.

Friend, heaven is real. Are you a citizen of heaven? Is your name written in the Book of the Lamb? Then do not live for this present life alone. Make pleasing God your main goal in life.

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